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Teamviewer Setup
Nic Boyle avatar
Written by Nic Boyle
Updated over a week ago

1. Open Teamviewer.dmg and click and drag the Teamviewer Icon into your Applications Folder in Finder

2. Return to the original window then double-click on the TeamViewer Icon. A security alert may appear - this will tell you the source of the download. Click Open to begin the installation process

3) In order to proceed with the installation, please check the box 'I accept the End User License Agreement as well as the Data Processing Agreement' and then click Continue

4. The following 'Prepare for your Support Session' appears the first time TeamViewer is opened. You will need to click 'Set up Screen Recording'

5. A new pop-up will appear, prompting you to Open System Settings

6. This will automatically take you to the Screen Recording permissions in the Privacy & Security settings tab.

7. Check the box next to TeamViewer QuickSupport to grant access. When prompted, enter the Administrator password for the macOS device to allow editing of the permissions.

8. You will then be prompted to 'Quit and Reopen' Teamviewer so that these new settings are applied.

9. Teamviewer will reopen and now show that the Screen Recording option has been completed by a blue tick. Repeat Steps 4-8 but now for 'Accessibility'

10. When completed you will see both Options ticked and you will be able to advance by clicking the 'Continue' button

11. If you have followed all the above steps correctly you should now see the Teamviewer 'Receive Support' window which will show your 'ID' Number and Password and also a place to enter a Session Code

12. You will then be provided a unique session code to enter and connect your device to the Technical Support Officer assisting you.

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