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Student Google Sign In Using OKTA
Student Google Sign In Using OKTA

How to sign into Google account using Okta

Nic Boyle avatar
Written by Nic Boyle
Updated over a week ago

1. Open Google Chrome and navigate to: where you will be presented with the following page:

2. Enter your school email address ***Note-Do not use the 'Sign in with Okta FastPass' option***:

3. Click 'Next' after entering your email address:

4. If your password has expired, you will need to create a new one if you are presented with the following screen-if not go to step 5


5. Enter your password:

6. Click on 'Verify':

7. You will then be presented with the Gmail sign in page. Click on 'Gmail':

8. You will now be logged into your account:

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